





Imam Mahdi



O God, if the best for me with Thee lies in delaying the taking to task for my sake of him who has wronged me and in refraining from vengeance toward him until the Day of Decision and the Gathering of Disputants, then bless Muhammad and his Household, strengthen me from Thee with true intention and lasting patience, give me refuge from evil desire and the impatience of the greedy, and form in my heart the image of Thy reward which Thou hast stored away for me and the repayment and punishment which Thou has prepared for my disputant! Make this a cause of my contentment with what Thou hast decreed and my trust in what Thou hast chosen! Amen, Lord of the worlds! Thou art of bounty abounding and Thou art powerful over everything. Imam Sajjad (as) Sahifa-e-Sajjadiyah

Sunday, 28 April 2013

"Seeking knowledge is obligatory."

H 35, Ch. 1, h 1

Muhammad ibn Ya‘qub has narrated from Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashim from his father from alHassan ibn abu al-Hassan al-Farisi from ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Ziyad from his father from abu 
‘Abdallah (a.s.) who has said the following:

"The Messenger of Allah said, ‘Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. Let it be 
known that Allah loves those who seek knowledge."

H 36, Ch. 1, h 2

Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Muhammad ibn al-Hassan from Muhammad ibn 
‘Abdallah from ‘Isa ibn ‘Abdallah al-‘Amri from abu ‘Abdallah (a.s.) who has said the 

"Seeking knowledge is obligatory."

H 37, Ch. 1, h 3

Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Muhammad ibn ‘Isa from Yunus ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman from 
certain persons of his people who has said the following: 

"Abu al-Hassan (a.s.) was asked, "Is it permissible for people not to seek what (religious 
knowledge) they need?" The Imam (a.s.) said, "No, (it is not permissible to ignore learning)."

H 38, Ch. 1, h 4

Ali ibn Muhammad and others have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad and Muhammad ibn Yahya 
from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Isa all from ibn Mahbub from Hisham ibn Salim from abu 
Hamza from abu Ishaq al-Subay‘i from one who narrated to him who has said the following:

"I heard Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (a.s.) say, ‘O people, you must know that religion becomes complete through seeking knowledge and acting accordingly. You must know that seeking 
knowledge is much more urgent for you than seeking wealth. In wealth every one’s share is 
guaranteed. A just person has already divided the wealth among you. He and my sword 
guarantee you to receive your share. Knowledge, however, is stored with those who possess 
it. You are commanded to seek knowledge from its sources (those who possess it). You must 
seek knowledge.’"

H 39, Ch. 1, h 5

A number of our people has narrated has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Barqi from 
Ya’qub ibn Yazid from abu ‘Abdallah, a man of our people narrated in a marfu‘ manner from 
abu ‘Abdallah (a.s.) from the Holy Prophet (s.a) who has said the following: 

"Seeking knowledge is obligatory."

In another Hadith Imam abu ‘Abdallah has narrated from the holy Prophet who said, "Seeking 
knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. Let it be known that Allah loves those who seek 

H 40, Ch. 1, h 6

Ali ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abdallah has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from 
‘Uthman ibn ‘Isa from Ali ibn abu Hamza who has said the following:

"I heard Imam abu ‘Abdallah saying, ‘Acquire good understand in religion because those of 
you who do not have good understand in religion are like the Bedouins. Allah has said in His 
book, ‘ Why do not some people from each group of believers seek to become specialists in 
religious learning and, after completing their studies, guide their group so that they will have 
fear of God. (9:122)’"

H 41, Ch. 1, h 7

Al-Hassan ibn Muhammad has narrated from Ja‘far ibn Muhammad from al-Qasim ibn alRabi‘ from Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar who has said the following:

"I heard abu ‘Abdallah (a.s.) say, ‘It is necessary for you to have good understanding of 
religion of Allah. Do not be like Bedouins because those who do not gain good understanding 
of religion, Allah will not look to then on the Day of Judgement and none of his deeds will be 

H 42, Ch. 1, h 8

Muhammad ibn ’Isma‘il has narrated from al-Fadl ibn Shadhan from ibn abu ‘Umayr from 
Jamil ibn Durraj from Aban ibn Taghlib from abu ‘Abdallah (a.s.) who has said the following:

"I would like to teach my associates and followers to have good understanding of religion 
even if it would require to use my whip on their heads."

H 43, Ch. 1, h 9

Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Muhammad ibn ‘Isa from one who 
narrated to him from abu ‘Abdallah (a.s.) the following:

"A man said asked, ‘May Allah take my soul in your service, a man believes in this fact, 
(Leadership of Ahlul Bayt with Divine Authority) but keeps himself at home and does not 
acquaint himself with his brethren."
Abu ‘Abdallah (a.s.) said, "How he achieves good understanding of his religion?"

  • Ahadith taken from Usool-e-Kafi

Who's a true Shia? Hadith 16

Abu Ja’far (Imam Baqir) has said: “One who would die without
having an Imam (32) his death would be like the death of ignorance.
One who would die and would know who his Imam is then the
coming of this matter (the rise of al-Mahdi with Divine Authority)
earlier or later will not affect him at all. One who would know who
his Imam is he would be like the one present with Al-Qaem in his
tents.” (33)


32 Without knowing who his Imams are.
33 Al-Kafi, 1:371

To dye hair, advise for men and women

It is mustahab (commendable) for men to dye their head and beard.
There are fourteen advantages for women in dyeing their hair and applying
henna to their head and feet:
a) Deafness is cured
b) Brightness in the eyes is increased
c) Dryness of nose is lessened
d) There is good breath in the mouth
e) Gums are strengthened
f) There is no bad smell in the under arms
g) There is less temptation from the devil
h) The angels are happy
i) It is a means to the happiness of a momin
j) The nonbelievers get jealous
k) It is beauty in itself
l) It is good scent in itself
m) It is a means to the salvation from the curse of the grave
n) It makes Munker and Nakeer feel shy
According to a tradition, a certain person visited the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.a.) and when the Holy Prophet saw a few white hair in his beard,
he said that these hair are light and all the muslims who possess a single
white hair in the beard, there will be a light for them on the day of
According to another tradition, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) said that he did not
apply dye (khizab) as he was mourning for the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
Another reliable tradition states that Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) said
that among a few bad signs o which will appear in the world during the
last days will be that men of Bani Abbas will act like their women by applying
henna to the hands and feet and comb like them.
According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
ordered every woman to apply henna whether she was a widow or a
happily married woman, the former as not to let her hands resemble
men, the latter to beautify them for her husband.

-Allama Majlisi's Tehzee ul Islam, Part 2, Ch.11 

On Behalf of Parents

قَالَ الصَّادِقُ )ع): مَا يَمْنَعُ الرَّجُلَ مِنْكُمْ أَنْ يَبَرَّ وَالِدَيْهِ حَيَّيْنِ وَ مَيِّتَيْنِ يُصَلِّيَ عَنْهُمَا وَ يَتَصَدَّقَ عَنْهُمَا وَ يَحُجَّ عَنْهُمَا وَ يَصُومَ عَنْهُمَا فَيَكُونَ الَّذِي صَنَعَ لَهُمَا وَ لَهُ مِثْلُ ذٌلِكَ فَيَزِيدَهُ اللٌّهُ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ بِبِرِّهِ وَ صِلَتِهِ خَيْراً كَثِيراً.

Imam as-Sadiq (as) had said: “What prevents a person from doing good to his parents - whether alive or dead - by offering prayers, giving charity, performing Hajj on behalf of them, (knowing that) the rewards of these acts are also granted to him, in addition to his parents?  Besides, due to his good deeds and prayers (for them), Allah, the Mighty and the Glorious, shall grant him abundant good.”

Biharul Anwar, Volume 74, Page 46

Evil Parents And Kindness

عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ )ع) قَالَ: ثَلاَثٌ لَمْ يَجْعَلِ اللٌّهُ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ لِأَحَدٍ فِيهِنَّ رُخْصَةً أَدَاءُ الأََمَانَةِ إِلَى الْبَرِّ وَ الْفَاجِرِ وَ الْوَفَاءُ بِالْعَهْدِ لِلْبَرِّ وَ الْفَاجِرِ وَ بِرُّ الْوَالِدَيْنِ بَرَّيْنِ كَانَا أَوْ فَاجِرَيْنِ.

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as) has said: “There are three things which Allah, the Mighty and the Glorious has not permitted anyone to forsake: returning a trust to its owner, irrespective of whether he is a good person or an evil one; fulfilling one’s promises and covenants, irrespective of whether it has been made to a good person or an evil one; being good and kind towards one’s parents, irrespective of whether they are good or evil.”

Biharul Anwar, Volume 74, Page 56

Short Maxims of Imam Muhammed Al-Baqir (as)

  1. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: Use kind words with the hypocrite, love the faithful believer sincerely, and regard your association with (even) the Jew who sits with you.
  2. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: No mixture is better than the mixture of clemency and knowledge.
  3. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: The whole perfection is knowledgeability of the religious affairs, steadfastness against misfortunes, and moderation in living.
  4. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: By God (I swear), the arrogant is trying to strip God.
  5. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him), one day, asked the attendants, “What is personality?” Each of them provided his own opinion. Afterwards, he (peace be upon him) said: Personality is to avoid greed so as not to be humble, avoid begging so as not to be disgraced, avoid niggardliness so as not to be insulted, and avoid ignorance so as not to be opposed.
    “Who can do all these?” wondered they. He (peace be upon him) answered: He who wants to be like him who looks into the pupil of the eye, the musk in an odor, and enjoys the same standing of a present caliph –king- will be able to do so.
  6. Before Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him), a man said: “O Allah, make us do without people.” The Imam instructed: Do not say such a statement; you should say: O Allah, make us do without the evil ones. A faithful brother cannot do without his brother.
  7. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: Do the right and seclude from whatever does not concern you. Avoid your enemy. Beware of your friend except the honest ones who fear God. Never accompany the sinful and never show him your secrets. Seek the consult of those who fear God.
  8. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: A twenty-year friendship is kinship.
  9. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: You would better deal with no one except him whom you did a favor.
  10. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: Three manners are the charities of this world and the world to come: they are to pardon him who oppressed you, regard him who ruptured relations with you, and possess yourself when one’s ignorance inflicts you.
  11. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: Oppression is of three sorts; a sort God will not forgive, another God will forgive, and a third God will not overlook it. Regarding the first one, it is polytheism. The second is the secret oppression of oneself. The third is the servants’ oppressing each other.
  12. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: The servant (of God) who abstains from supporting his brother and exerting efforts for settling his need will suffer from exerting efforts for settling a need that causes him to commit a sin and deprives him of the reward. The servant who abstains from spending alms that pleases the Lord will spend many folds of those alms in a field that displeases God.
  13. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: Anything of God’s act is good for the faithful believer.
  14. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: God dislikes people who beg each other importunately, but he loves it for Himself. Hence, God the Glorified likes people to beg Him and ask for what He has in possession.
  15. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: People’s admonitions will not benefit him whom God does not make him learn lessons of admonition from his own self.
  16. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: The scale of him whose outer appearance is more preferable than his conscience is weightless.
  17. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: It happens that you address to a man, ‘May God fling your enemy,’ while that man’s only enemy is God.
  18. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: Three categories of people should not say salaam: they are those who are in their ways for offering the (congregational) Friday Prayer, those who walk in a funeral, and those who sit in a public bathroom.
  19. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: A scholar whose knowledge is advantageous (for people) is better than seventy thousand worshippers.
  20. Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said: A servant will not be scholar before he gets rid of envying those who precede him and belittling those who are less than him in (grade) of knowledge.


Friday, 26 April 2013

Fadak Lecture 1

Audio and voice recording >>

Lecture on Fadak, who took Fadak? To whom did it belong, and really, does a Prophet has no inheritor? All that and much more discussed in the brief first lecture regarding the issue of Fadak. This is in Urdu, and I hope you benefit from the knowledge...

Monday, 22 April 2013

Manners of Using the Mirror:

According to the reliable tradition related to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had said that heaven is definitely rewarded to that young fellow who looks in the mirror and thanks God for the beauty given to him.
According to another tradition, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) kept on looking in the mirror while combing his hair and beard. He also ordered his wives and other companions to beautify themselves as God liked that a muslim should, before meeting another person, make himself acceptable to the other's eyes.
According to a tradition related to Hazrat Ali (a.s.), one should recite the following prayer while looking into the mirror.
‘All praise is worthy of that Allah who has created me and made my creation the best. He has made my face as it was the best possible to make. He has beautified me with such things, had these been found in others, they would have been considered as faults and then He has blessed me with Islam.’
From Allama Majlisi's Tehzeeb-ul-Islam Ch. 10 p 24

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Imam Ali behind Abu Bakr?

Imam Ali (as) never gave Bay'ah to Abu Bakr, and neither did recite prayers in the Mosque behind his Imamate!

What many people from different sects of Islam do when they fail to realize that Shi'ahs are the true Muslims, come onto very small and fabricated lies about the personalities which Allah loves. And fabricate it to such lengths  that we are shocked ourselves on how to reply to such lunacy, i.e controlling our anger. Indeed, it's a  long discussion like any other  when a Shia and Sunni, both against each other, sit on the table. But really this time, it's hard, and very serious, Sunnis claim that Imam Ali read the Sala't behind Abu Bakr, and therefore this makes Abu Bakr good, no matter who Abu Bakr is, no matter who is his mother, Imam Ali can't pray behind any person on the Planet, except Prophet Muhammed (saws)! And who is Abu Bakr to stand further than Ali? And that even in the deed that Ali loves the most, Sala't?! 

As I say, questions to be asked, and questions to be answered... 

I hope you enjoy the article...

Who's a true Shia? Hadith 15

In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that Abu Abdullah (Imam
Sadiq) said: “There are seven rights of a believer that are
incumbent upon other believers to honor. All seven are obligatory,
if you do not honor any of these rights, you have left the domain of
divine friendship, and God's obedience.”
He was asked what these seven rights were. He replied: “The
simplest right is that you should like for them what you like for
yourself, and dislike for them what you dislike for yourself. The
second right is that you must assist them in fulfilling their needs,
please them and not oppose what they say.
The third right is that you must use your soul, wealth, tongue, hands
and feet to assist them. The fourth right is that you must be like
their eyes, their guide, their mirror, and their clothing. The sixth
right is that if you have a wife and a servant, and your brother does
not, you must send your servant to his house to wash his clothes,
prepare his food and make ready his bed.
These are all established duties between you and him. The seventh
right is that you must accept his oath and his invitation. You must
attend his burial ceremonies. You should go to visit him if he gets ill,
and make all efforts to fulfill his needs. You should not let him beg
you for help, but immediately fulfill his needs. Once you do this, you
have tied his friendship and yours together, and have tied your
friendship to the Almighty God's friendship.”

Mishkat ul Anwar-English edition, pg 196

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Polytheist Parents

عَنِ الرِّضَا )ع) فِي كِتَابِهِ إِلَى الْمَأْمُونِ قَالَ: وَ بِرُّ الْوَالِدَيْنِ وَاجِبٌ وَ إِنْ كَانَا مُشْرِكَيْنِ وَ لاَ طَاعَةَ لَهُمَا فِي مَعْصِيَةِ الْخَالِقِ.

In a letter to Ma`mun, Imam ar-Ridha (as) wrote: “To do good to one’s parents is obligatory, even if they are of the polytheists, however, they should not be obeyed in acts that go against the commands of Allah.”

Biharul Anwar, Volume 74, Page 72

Imam Sadiq (as) on Lowering the Gaze

On Lowering the Gaze
There is nothing more gainful than lowering one's gaze, for the sight is
not lowered from things, which Allah has forbidden unless the witnessing
of majesty and glory has already come to the heart.
The Commander of the Faithful was asked what could help in lowering
one's gaze. He said, 'Submission to the power of Him Who is aware
of your secret. The eye is the spy of the hearts and the messenger of the
intellect; therefore lower your gaze from whatever is not appropriate to
your faith, from whatever your heart dislikes and from whatever your
intellect finds repugnant.'
The Holy Prophet said, 'Lower your eyes and you will see wonders.'
Allah said,

Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks and guard
their private parts. (24:30)

‘Isa [a] said to the disciples, 'Beware of looking at forbidden things, for
that is the seed of desire and leads to deviant behavior.'
Yahya [a] said, 'I would prefer death to a glance which is unnecessary.'
'Abdallah ibn Mas'ud said to a man who had visited a woman while
she was ill, 'It would have been better for you to lose your eyes than to
have visited your sick person.'
Whenever the eye looks at something forbidden, a knot of desire is
tied in the person's heart, and that knot will only be untied by one of two
conditions: either by weeping out of grief and regret in true repentance,

or by taking possession of what one desired and looked at. And if a person
takes possession unjustly, without repentance, then that will take
him to the Fire.
As for the one who repents of it with grief and regret, his abode is the
Garden and his destiny is Allah's favor.

[From the book: Lantern of Path, Chapter 4]

“Fāṭimiyyah is ʿĀshūrāʾ”

Fatimiyyah is Ashura-2
In one of his writings, Grand Ayatullah Shaykh Lutfullah Safi Gulpaygani elucidated upon some issues in regards to the personality of Sayyidah Zahrā, peace be upon her. In speaking about commemorating the [days] of Fāṭimiyyah , he stated that, “…in every religious event and at every opportunity [which we are given], we must speak about her standpoints, life, her traits of asceticism, worship [of God], and her knowledge…”
Fāṭimiyyah refers to the annual programs which are held throughout the Muslim world to commemorate the martyrdom of Fāṭima Zahrā, peace be upon her, the only daughter of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family. As there are numerous dates in history on when she left this world and no one knows for sure on which day she died, the scholars have deemed that it is best to remember her on the two most well-known dates – 75 days after the death of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family, and 95 days after the death of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family.

General Islamic codes: Hajj; The Pilgrimage to Mecca

From the rulings of Grand Ayatullah Sayed Ali Hussaini Al-Seestani

When a Muslim becomes capable, hajj becomes obligatory upon him. By “capability” we mean the following:
  1. Availability of enough time to travel to the holy places and stay there for performing the obligatory rites. 
  2. Physical health and strength, observing to travel to the holy places, and staying there for the obligatory rituals. 
  3. The road through which one has to pass for performing the rituals be open and secure, in the sense that it does not place the life or property or honor of the pilgrim in undue danger. 
  4. Financial ability: One should be able to get whatever is necessary for the pilgrim in his journey; e.g., food, drink, clothes, including the means of transportation according to his status by which he can cover the distance for hajj
  5. The financial position of the person should be such that by travelling for hajj or by spending from his wealth for it, he would not be putting himself and his dependents in need and poverty.
Hajj Tamattu‘: This is a kind of pilgrimage that is obligatory upon those who live in other countries i.e. far away from Mecca. Hajj Tamattu‘ consists of two rituals: the first is known as ‘umrah, and the second hajj.In ‘umrah, five things are obligatory:

  • (a) Putting on the pilgrim’s dress (ihrãm) from one of the miqãts. Mawãqít (plural of miqãt) are locations [around the holy territory of Mecca] that sharí‘a has specifically fixed for putting on the ihrãm.
  • Circumambulating (tawãf) around the Ka‘ba seven times.
  • The salãt of tawãf.
  • Sa‘i (i.e., brisk walking) between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times.
  • Taqsír: cutting off a little bit of your hair or cutting the nail.

  • (a) Putting on the pilgrim’s dress (ihrãm) from one of the miqãts. Mawãqít (plural of miqãt) are locations [around the holy territory of Mecca] that sharí‘a has specifically fixed for putting on theihrãm.
    Circumambulating (tawãf) around the Ka‘ba seven times.
    The salãt of tawãf.
    Sa‘i (i.e., brisk walking) between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times.
    Taqsír: cutting off a little bit of your hair or cutting the nail.
    The obligatory acts of hajj tamattu‘ are thirteen as follows:

  • Putting on the ihrãm from Mecca.
  • Staying in ‘Arafãt on the 9th of Dhu ’l-Hijja.
  • Staying a part of the night (eve of 10th Dhu ’l-Hijja) until sunrise in Muzdalifa.
  • Stoning the smaller pillar in Mina on the day of ‘Eid (i.e., 10th of Dhu ’l-Hijja).
  • Sacrificing an animal in Mina on the day of ‘Eid or during the days of tashríq [i.e., 11th to 13th of Dhu ’l-Hijja].
  • Shaving one’s head or doing taqsír in Mina. By doing this, the pilgrim is free from the restrictions of ihrãm, except the use of perfume and sexual contact with women. Based on obligatory precaution, the restriction of hunting continues even after shaving or taqsír.
  • Tawãf of Ziyãrat seven times after returning to Mecca.
  • Salãt of Tawãf.
  • Sa‘i between Safa and Marwa seven times. With this, the restriction of using perfume is also lifted.
  • Tawãf of Nisã’ seven times.
  • Salãt of Tawãt of Nisã’. With this, sexual contact with women becomes permissible.
  • Staying during over night in Mina on the eve of 11th and 12th Dhu ’l-hijja. And also, under some circumstance, the eve of 13th Dhu ’l-hijja.
  • Stoning the three pillars in Mina on the 11th and the 12th of Dhu ’l-hijja. And also, under some circumstance, on the day of 13th Dhu ’l-hijja.
  • Who's a true Shia? Hadith 14

    Imam Sadiq has said: “Those of our Shia who are wealthy should
    spend their wealth in the way of Allah. When our Qaem rises, the
    wealth of every wealthy person will be unlawful to him unless he
    offers it to our Qaem to use it against his enemies, for Allah says,
    “And to those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in
    Allah’s way, announce the news of painful punishment.”(9:34)” 

    Mahhajah fima nazala fi al-Qaem al-hujjah, verse 23; Al-Kafi 4:61

    Wednesday, 17 April 2013

    Ayatullah Abdul Hadi Al-Fadhli returns to His Lord

     Please recite Surah Fatiah for the late Murhoom, 8th of April 2013, after suffering from illness for several years. Ayatullah Hadi was a well known cleric fro his area and town, and also slowly becoming a worldwide attention. His amazing works within his life period include:

    1. Islam Is a Principle.
    2. The Mode of Islamic Call.
    3. The Proverbs in (The Main Road to Eloquenc) – Nahjul Balagha. 
    4. The Summary of Logic.
    5. Religion in the Language and Qura’n.
    6. Arabic Eloquence : its originating & its Development.
    7. The Principle of Derivation in Arabic.
    8. The Summary of Grammar.
    9. The Summary of Morphology.
    10. Studies on Parsing.
    11. Studies on the Verb.
    12. About Prosody: criticism and a suggestion
    13. Introduction to Hadith 

    Long Live Sh'an-e-Ali! 


    Ayatollah Makarem condemns pressures against Saudi Shia scholar

    Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, a senior Iranian religious leader, lashed out at the Al Saud regime for prolonged imprisonment of prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, who has been in jail for several months for calling for the freedom of political prisoners in the Arab country.
    Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi’s remarks came after a Saudi prosecutor called for the execution of Sheikh al-Nimr.
    “They (Saudi authorities) have arrested a number of senior Shiite figures and even a prosecutor has demanded the execution for one of them who is a renowned scholar called Sheikh al-Nimr,” Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi said.
    “Muslims will not keep silent on the demand for the execution of Sheikh al-Nimr,” he added.
    In similar remarks last week, two Iranian lawmakers condemned the Al Saud regime for prolonged imprisonment of prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, who has been in jail for several months for calling for the freedom of political prisoners in the Arab country.
    “The Saudi judiciary system is attempting by all means to protect the decrepit rule of Al Saud against possible threats,” member of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mansour Haqiqatpour said.
    Member of the Iranian Parliament’s Presiding Board Hossein Sobhaninia also condemned the Saudi royal family for intensified pressures against Saudi people, and said, “Such dictatorial moves will not hinder the wave of the Islamic Awakening in the region, but on the contrary, will put forward the downfall of the Al Saud regime.”
    Since February 2011, protesters have held demonstrations on an almost regular basis in Saudi Arabia, mainly in Qatif and Awamiyah in Eastern Province.
    The demonstrations turned into protests against the al-Saud regime after November 2011, when Saudi security forces killed five protesters and injured many others in the province.
    Saudi forces have also arrested dozens of people, including prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.
    The country’s officials warned in October, 2012 that they would deal “firmly” with anti-regime demonstrations. Amnesty International slammed the warning, and urged the authorities to “withdraw their threat”.

    Sunday, 14 April 2013

    Who's a true Shia? Hadith 13

    Imam Sadiq has said: “A person who would like to be among the companions of al-Qaem, he should be in a state of waiting and perform all of his actions with piety and with the most beautiful etiquette and
    only then will one be counted as being in the state of waiting.” (28 29)


    28 Intezar is a spirit of zeal and keen desire for the advent, governance and living
    along side with the Ahlul-Bait. It is the detestation of the current state which we
    are in – times of imperfection, corruption, perversity and degeneration of our
    29 Al Ghaibah by No’mani, pg 200

    5 short maxims of Imam Al-Askari (as)

    1. Imam Al-Askari (peace be upon him) said: Do not dispute (with others) lest you will lose splendor and do not joke (with everyone) lest you will be disrespected.
    2. Imam Al-Askari (peace be upon him) said: As for those who accept to sit in a place other than the first row of a session, God and His angels will bless them until they leave that session.
    3. Imam Al-Askari (peace be upon him) answer the man who asked him a miracle or a proof of Imamate: The punishment will be doubled for those who refuted the miracle or proof of Imamate after it had been presented to them according to their demand. He who shows patience will be supplied with the support of God. People are accustomed to publicize false missives that they themselves forge.1 We supplicate to God for guiding us (to the right). Matters are either submission or destruction. The end results of everything belong to God.
    4. Imam Al-Askari (peace be upon him) answered the man who reported to him the disagreement of Shias: God has addressed to the intelligent exclusively. People are of different classes: some are the discerning on a way of
    1 In this statement, Imam Al-Hasan Al-Askari (peace be upon him) may refer to God’s saying (in the Holy Quran, Sura of Al-Muddetthir –74- Verse –52-): “Is it that everyone of them wants to receive a heavenly book addressed to him personally?” Hence, the Imam may want to say that people are naturally disposed for the wish to receive a heavenly book for God addressed to them personally.

    salvation; they are holding fast to the right and clinging to the branch of the origin; they are neither doubtful not suspicious; they do not consider a shelter other than me. Some are those who have not received the right from its very people; they are like those who embarked on a ship; they ripple when the sea is wavy and calm down when the sea is calm. Some are those are dominated by the Shaitan; their one and only job is to refute the people of the right and substitute the wrong for the right out of envy. Hence, leave those who went astray to the right and left. When a shepherd wants to gather the hoard, he will not need to exert efforts for so. Beware of divulging our secrets and seeking power, for these two things drive into perdition. 

    Imam Al-Askari (peace be upon him) said: 
    Within the unforgivable sins are the sins whose committers wish if they would not commit anything else.
    Imam Al-Askari (peace be upon him) then said: 
    Polytheism of people is more hidden that the creeping of ants of a black piece of cloth in a gloomy night.

    • (Tuahful-Uqool)

    Saturday, 13 April 2013

    Visiting the Graves of Parents

    قَالَ رَسُولُ اللٌّهُ (ص): مَنْ زَارَ قَبْرَ وَالِدَيهِ أَوْ أَحَدِهِمَا فِي كُلِّ جُمْعَةٍ مَرَّةً غَفَرَ اللٌّهُ لَهُ وَ كَتَبَ لَهُ بَارًّا.

    It has been narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “Whoever visits the graves of his parents or one of them every Friday, Allah shall forgive his sins and shall regard him to be of those who had been kind to his parents.”

    Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 16, Page 468

    Kindness to Parents and Paradise

    عَنْ أَبِي الْحَسَنِ )ع) قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللٌّهِ  )ص) كُنْ بَارّاً وَ اقْتَصِرْ عَلَى الْجَنَّةِ وَ إِنْ كُنْتَ عَاقّاً فَظّاً فَاقْتَصِرْ عَلَى النَّارِ.

    Imam ar-Ridha (as) relates that the Noble Prophet (saws) has said: “Be good and kind to your parents so that your recompense is paradise, and if you have been disowned by them, your abode shall be the fire (of Hell).”

    Al-Kafi, Volume 2, pg.348

    Wednesday, 10 April 2013

    List of books quoting Imam Ali (as)'s wilayat at Youm-e-Ghadeer.

    • Source taken from with superb views and research.

    O218Sayyid Shaháb al-Dín Ahmad
    (d. 0 AH/622 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tawdíh al-Dalá'il `alá tarjíh al-fadá'il 

    O162al-Sayyid Háshim b. Sulaymán al-Husayní al-Bahrání
    (d. 0 AH/622 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Gháyat al-Marám 
    Unidentified edition,  

    O245Abú al-Hasan Sharíf
    (d. 0 AH/622 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Diyá' al-`Álamín 

    (d. 0 AH/622 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Firqat al-nájiyah 

    T31Sulaym b. Qays, Abú Sádiq al-Hilálí al-`Ámirí al-Kúfí
    (d. 80 AH/699 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Asl Sulaym b. Qays 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S84al-Qásim b. Sallám, Abú `Ubayd al-Harawí
    (d. 224 AH/839 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tafsír Gharíb al-Qur'án 

    S95Ibn Abí Shaybah, `Abd Alláh b. Muhammad b. Ibráhím b. `Uthmán, Abú Bakr al-`Absí al-Kúfí
    (d. 235 AH/850 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Karachi: Idárá al-Qur'án wa al-`ulúm al-Islámiyyah (15 vols in 16 parts), 1987 CE 

    S103Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Hanbal b. Hilál b. Asad, Abú `Abd Alláh al-Shaybání al-Marwazí
    (d. 241 AH/855 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Unidentified edition,  

    S103Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Hanbal b. Hilál b. Asad, Abú `Abd Alláh al-Shaybání al-Marwazí
    (d. 241 AH/855 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Manáqib `Alí b. Abí Tálib 

    S118al-Bukhárí, Muhammad b. Ismá`íl b. Ibráhím, Abú `Abd Alláh al-Ju`fí
    (d. 256 AH/870 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Ta'ríkh al-kabír 
    Haydarabad: Dá'irat al-Ma`árif al-`Uthmániyyah, 1361-65 

    S132Ibn Májah, Muhammad b. Yazíd, Abú `Abd Alláh al-Qazwíní
    (d. 273 AH/886 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Cairo, 1952 CE 

    S133Ibn Qutaybah, `Abd Alláh b. Muslim, Abú Muhammad al-Dínawarí
    (d. 276 AH/889 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Imámah wa'l-Siyásah 
    Cairo: al-Halabí (2 vols), 1388/1969 

    S136al-Tirmidhí, Muhammad b. `Ísá b. Sawrah b. Músá, Abú `Ísá al-Tirmidhí
    (d. 279 AH/892 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Jámi` (also called al-Sahíh or al-Sunan) 
    Cairo: Dár Ihyá' al-turáth al-`arabí, n.d. 

    S139Ibn Abí `Ásim al-Shaybání, Ahmad b. `Amr b. Abí `Ásim, Abú Bakr al-Nabíl
    (d. 287 AH/900 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Kitáb al-Sunnah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S141`Abd Alláh b. Ahmad b. Hanbal, Abú `Abd al-Rahmán al-Shaybání
    (d. 290 AH/903 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Zawá'id Musnad Ahmad b. Hanbal 

    S141`Abd Alláh b. Ahmad b. Hanbal, Abú `Abd al-Rahmán al-Shaybání
    (d. 290 AH/903 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Fadá'il `Alí 

    S142al-Bazzár, Ahmad b. `Amr b. `Abd al-Kháliq, Abú Bakr al-Bazzár (not Bazzáz) al-Misrí
    (d. 292 AH/905 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Musnad al-Mu`allal 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S150al-Nasá'í, Ahmad b. Shu`ayb b. `Alí b. Sinán b. Bahr, Abú `Abd al-Rahmán al-Khurásání al-Nasá'í
    (d. 303 AH/916 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Khasá'is fí fadl `Alí b. Abí Tálib 
    Majma` Ihyá al-Thaqáfah al-'Islámiyyah, 1419 AH 

    S152Abú Ya`lá al-Mawsilí, Ahmad b. `Alí b. al-Muthanná' b. Yahyá', al-Tamímí
    (d. 307 AH/919 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Damascus: Dár al-Ma'mún li al-Turáth, 1984 CE 

    S161Muhammad b. `Alí, Abú `Abd Alláh al-Hakím al-Tirmidhí al-Súfí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 320 AH/932 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Nawádir al-usúl 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S157al-Dúlábí, Muhammad b. Ahmad, Abú Bishr
    (d. 320 AH/932 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Kuná wa'l-asmá 
    Haydarabad (2 vols), 1904 

    S159al-Taháwí, Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Salamah, Abú Ja`far al-'Azdí al-Hanafí al-Misrí
    (d. 321 AH/933 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Mushkil al-áthár 
    Haydarábád: Matba`ah Dá'irat al-Ma`árif al-Nizámiyyah (2 vols in 1), 1915 CE 

    S163Ibn `Abd Rabbih, Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Abd Rabbih, Abú `Umar al-Qurtubí
    (d. 328 AH/940 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-`Iqd al-Faríd 
    Cairo (7 vols), 1940-65 CE 

    S164al-Husayn b. Ismá`íl b. Sa`íd, Abú `Abd Alláh al-Muhámilí al-Dabbí
    (d. 330 AH/942 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Unidentified edition,  

    S172al-Mas`údí, `Alí b. al-Husayn, Abú al-Hasan al-Baghdádí al-Misrí
    (d. 346 AH/957 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Murúj al-dhahab 
    Cairo, 1346 AH 

    S177Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Muhammad, Abú Bakr al-Naqqásh al-Mufassir al-Músilí
    (d. 351 AH/962 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Shifá' al-sudúr 

    S179Ibn Hibbán, Muhammad b. Hibbán b. Ahmad, Abú Hátim al-Bustí al-Tamímí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 354 AH/965 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-'Ihsán bi Tartíb Sahíh Ibn Hibbán 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S180al-Tabarání, Sulaymán b. Ahmad b. Ayyúb, Abú al-Qásim al-Khamí (al-Lakhamí ?)
    (d. 360 AH/971 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Mu`jam al-Saghír 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S180al-Tabarání, Sulaymán b. Ahmad b. Ayyúb, Abú al-Qásim al-Khamí (al-Lakhamí ?)
    (d. 360 AH/971 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Mu`jam al-Kabír 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S185al-Dáraqutní, `Alí b. `Umar b. Ahmad, Abú al-Hasan (or al-Dárqutní)
    (d. 385 AH/995 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Unidentified edition,  

    S192al-Báqillání, Muhammad b. al-Tayyib b. Muhammad b. Ja`far b. al-Qásim, Abú Bakr
    (d. 403 AH/1013 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Tamhíd fí radd `alá al-madháhib 
    Cairo: Dár al-fikr al-`arabí, 1947 CE 

    S193al-Hákim al-Naysábúrí, Muhammad b. `Abd Alláh b. Muhammad, Abú `Abd Alláh Ibn al-Bayyi`
    (d. 405 AH/1015 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Mustadrak `alá al-Sahíhayn 
    Haydarabad: Dá'irat al-ma`árif al-nizámiyyah (4 vols), 1334-42 AH 

    S195`Abd al-Malik b. Muhammad, Abú Sa`d al-Wá`iz al-Nísábúrí al-Kharkúshí (al-Khargúshí)
    (d. 406 AH/1015 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharaf al-Mustafá 
    Manuscript (British Library) Or. 3014,  

    S199Ibn Miskawayh, Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Ya`qúb, Abú `Alí
    (d. 421 AH/1030 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Nadím al-faríd 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S201Al-Tha`labí, Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Ibráhím, Abú Isháq al-Nísábúrí
    (d. 427 AH/1036 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tafsír Kashf wa'l-bayán 

    S203`Abd al-Malik b. Muhammad b. Ismá`íl, Abú Mansúr al-Tha`álibí al-Naysábúrí
    (d. 429 AH/1038 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Thimár al-qulúb fí al-mudáf wa al-mansúb 
    Cairo: Dád nahdah Misr, 1384/1965 

    S204Abú Nu`aym, Ahmad b. `Abd Alláh, al-'Isfahání
    (d. 430 AH/1039 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ma`rifat al-Sahábah 
    Unknown edition,  

    S204Abú Nu`aym, Ahmad b. `Abd Alláh, al-'Isfahání
    (d. 430 AH/1039 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Hilyat al-Awliyá' 
    Beirut: Dár al-kutub al-`ilmiyyah (10 vols), 1988 CE 

    S204Abú Nu`aym, Ahmad b. `Abd Alláh, al-'Isfahání
    (d. 430 AH/1039 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Dhikr Akhbár Isbahán 
    Leiden: Brill (2 vols), 1931-34 CE 

    S204Abú Nu`aym, Ahmad b. `Abd Alláh, al-'Isfahání
    (d. 430 AH/1039 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Má nazala min al-Qur'án fí `Alí 

    S215Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Alí, Abú Muhammad al-`Ásimí
    (d. 450 AH/1058 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Zayn al-fatá fí sharh súrah Hal Atá' 

    S208Ibn `Abd al-Barr, Yúsuf b. `Abd Alláh b. Muhammad, Abú `Umar al-Namarí al-Qurtubí
    (d. 463 AH/1071 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Istí`áb fí ma`rifat al-asháb 
    Cairo: Maktabah Nahdah (3 vols), 1960 

    S209al-Khatíb al-Baghdádí, Ahmad b. `Alí b. Thábit, Abú Bakr
    (d. 463 AH/1071 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ta'ríkh Baghdád 
    Beirut: Dár al-kutub al-`arabí (18 vols), n.d. 

    S210al-Wáhidí, Abú al-Hasan `Alí b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Alí b. Mattawayh, al-Naysábúrí
    (d. 468 AH/1076 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Asbáb al-Nuzúl 
    Dár al-Diyán li-Turáth, n.d. 

    S211Mas`úd b. Násir b. `Abd Alláh b. Ahmad, Abú Sa`íd al-Sijzí (al-Sijistání)
    (d. 477 AH/1084 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Diráyah fí Hadíth al-Wiláyah (Kitáb al-wiláyah) 

    S212Ibn al-Magházilí, `Alí b. Muhammad, Abú al-Hasan al-Tayyib al-Jullábí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 483 AH/1090 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Manáqib `Alí b. Abí Tálib 
    Beirut: Dár al-'Adwá', 1403/1983 

    S214Ibn Haddád al-Haskání, `Ubayd Alláh b. `Abd Alláh, Abú al-Qásim al-Hákim al-Nísábúrí al-Hanafí
    (d. 490 AH/1097 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Shawáhid al-tanzíl 
    Tehran: Majma` Ihyá' al-thaqáfa al-Islámiyyah (2 vols), 1411/1990 

    S214Ibn Haddád al-Haskání, `Ubayd Alláh b. `Abd Alláh, Abú al-Qásim al-Hákim al-Nísábúrí al-Hanafí
    (d. 490 AH/1097 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Du`á' al-hudát ilá 'adá' haqq al-muwálát 

    S219Husayn b. Mas`úd, Abú Muhammad al-Farrá' al-Baghawí al-Sháfi`í (Muhyi al-Sunnah)
    (d. 516 AH/1122 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Masábíh al-Sunnah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S222Razín b. Mu`áwiyah, Abú al-Husayn al-`Abdarí al-Sarqastí al-Andulasí
    (d. 535 AH/1141 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Jam` bayn al-Siháh al-sittah 

    S223al-Zamakhsharí, Jár Alláh Mahmúd b. `Umar, Abu al-Qásim
    (d. 538 AH/1144 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Rabí` al-abrár wa nusús al-'akhbár 
    Beirut: Mu'assasat al-A`lamí li'l-Matbú`át (5 vols), 1992 CE 

    S229al-Khatíb al-Khawárazmí, Muwaffaq b. Ahmad, Abú al-Mu'ayyad al-Makkí, known as Akhtab al-Muwaffaq
    (d. 538 AH/1144 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Kitáb al-Manáqib 
    Tehran: Maktabah Naynawah al-hadíthah, n.d. 

    S224`Iyád b. Músá, Abú al-Fadl al-Yahsabí al-Sabtí al-Qádí
    (d. 544 AH/1149 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Shifá' bi ta`ríf huqúq al-Mustafá 
    Scotland: Madinah Press Inverness (as "Muhammad Messenger of Allah", translated by Aisha Bewley), 1991 CE 

    S224`Iyád b. Músá, Abú al-Fadl al-Yahsabí al-Sabtí al-Qádí
    (d. 544 AH/1149 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Shifá' bi ta`ríf huqúq al-Mustafá 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S225al-Shahrastání, Muhammad b. `Abd al-Karím, Abú al-Fath al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 548 AH/1153 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Milal wa'l-Nihal 
    Cairo: al-Halabí, 1968 

    S225al-Shahrastání, Muhammad b. `Abd al-Karím, Abú al-Fath al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 548 AH/1153 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Milal wa'l-Nihal 
    London: Kegan Paul (as "Muslim Sects and Divisions", translated by Kazi and Flynn), 1984 CE 

    S230`Umar b. Muhammad b. Khidr, al-'Ardabílí, known as Mullá
    (d. 550 AH/1155 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Wasílat al-muta`abbidín ilá mutába`ah sayyid al-mursalín 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S226Muhammad b. `Alí b. Ibráhím, Abú al-Fath al-Natanzí
    (d. 555 AH/1160 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Khasá'is al-`Alawiyyah 

    S228al-Qurtubí, Yahyá b. Sa`dún b. Tamám, Abú Bakr al-Azdí al-Qurtubí, known as Sábiq al-Dín
    (d. 567 AH/1172 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tafsír (al-kabír) 

    S231Ibn `Asákir, `Alí b. al-Husayn b. Hibat Alláh, Abú al-Qásim al-Dimashqí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 571 AH/1176 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ta'ríkh madínat Dimashq (Ta'ríkh al-Kabír) 
    Unidentified edition,  

    Ibn Shahráshúb, Muhammad b. `Alí, Abú Ja`far
    (d. 588 AH/1192 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Manáqib Ál Abí Tálib 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S238Ibn al-Shaykh, Yúsuf b. Muhammad, Abú al-Hajjáj al-Balawí al-Málikí
    (d. 605 AH/1209 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Alif bá' 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S236Fakhr al-Dín al-Rází, Muhammad b. `Umar b. al-Hasan, Abú `Abd Alláh al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 606 AH/1210 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Mafátíh al-Ghayb (Tafsír al-kabír) 
    Beirut: Dár al-Fikr (32 volumes in 16), 1981 CE 

    S237Ibn al-'Athír, Majd al-Dín Abú Sa`ádát al-Mubárak b. Muhammad, al-Shaybání al-Jazarí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 606 AH/1210 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Jámi` al-usúl fí ahádíth al-Rasúl 
    Cairo: Maktabah al-Halawání, Matba`ah al-Malláh, Maktabah Dár al-Bayán, 1392/1972 

    S237Ibn al-'Athír, Majd al-Dín Abú Sa`ádát al-Mubárak b. Muhammad, al-Shaybání al-Jazarí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 606 AH/1210 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Niháya fí gharíb al-hadith 
    Cairo: Dár 'Ihyá' al-kutub al-`arabiyyah, n.d. 

    S240al-Qarshí, `Alí b. Hamíd
    (d. 621 AH/1224 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Shams al-akhbár al-muntaqá min kalám al-nabí al-mukhtár 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S242Ibn al-'Athír, Abú al-Hasan `Izz al-Dín `Alí b. Muhammad b. `Abd al-Karím
    (d. 630 AH/1233 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Usd al-ghába fí ma`rifat al-sahába 
    Cairo (5 vols), 1322 AH 

    S242Ibn al-'Athír, Abú al-Hasan `Izz al-Dín `Alí b. Muhammad b. `Abd al-Karím
    (d. 630 AH/1233 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Usd al-ghába fí ma`rifat al-sahába 
    Cairo (5 vols), n.d. 

    S255Ibráhím b. `Abd Alláh, al-Wassábí al-Yamaní al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 650 AH/1252 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-'Iktifá fí fadl al-'arba`ah al-khulafá' 

    S245Muhammad b. Talhah, Abú Sálim al-Qarashí al-Nasíbí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 652 AH/1254 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Matálib al-sa'úl fí manáqib Ál al-Rasúl 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S246Sibt b. al-Jawzí, Shams al-Dín Yúsuf b. Qizughlí, Abú al-Muzaffar
    (d. 654 AH/1256 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tadhkirat khawáss al-'ummah fí ma`rifat al-a'immah 
    Najaf: al-Maktabah al-Haydariyyah, 1964 CE 

    S247Ibn Abí al-Hadíd, `Izz al-Dín `Abd al-Hamíd b. Hibat Alláh, Abú Hámid al-Mu`tazilí
    (d. 656 AH/1258 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh Nahj al-Balághah 
    Beirut: Ihyá' al-turáth al-`arabí, n.d. 

    S248Muhammad b. Yúsuf b. Muhammad, Abú `Abd Alláh al-Kanjí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 658 AH/1260 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Kifáyat al-Tálib 
    Tehran: Dár Ihyá Turáth Ahl al-Bayt (a), 1404 AH 

    S250Fadl Alláh b. Abí Sa`íd al-Hasan, al-Sháfi`í al-Túrbashtí
    (d. 660 AH/1262 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Mu`tamad fí al-Mu`taqad 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S251Al-Nawawí, Muhyi al-Dín Yahyá b. Sharaf al-Dín b. Hasan, Abú Zakariyyá al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 676 AH/1277 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tahdhíb al-Asmá' wa'l-Lughát 
    Beirut: Dár al-kutub al-`ilmiyyah (4 vols), 1980 CE 

    S251Al-Nawawí, Muhyi al-Dín Yahyá b. Sharaf al-Dín b. Hasan, Abú Zakariyyá al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 676 AH/1277 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Riyád al-sálihín 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S253al-Baydáwí, Násir al-Dín `Abd Alláh b. `Umar, Abú al-Khayr al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 685 AH/1286 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tawáli` al-anwár 
    Unidentified edition,  

    al-Irbilí, `Alí b. `Ísá b. Abí al-Fath, Abú al-Hasan al-'Irbilí
    (d. 693 AH/1294 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Kashf al-ghamma fí ma`rifat al-A'immah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S254Muhibb al-Dín Ahmad b. `Abd Alláh, Abú al-`Abbás al-Tabarí al-Makkí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 694 AH/1295 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Riyád al-Nadirah 
    Beirut: Dár al-kutub al-`ilmiyyah, 1405/1984 

    S257al-Juwayní, Ibráhím b. Muhammad b. al-Mu'ayyad, Sadr al-Dín Abú al-Majámi` al-Hamawayní or al-Hamawí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 722 AH/1322 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Fará'id al-samtayn fí fadá'il al-Murtadá wa al-batúl wa al-sibtayn 
    Beirut: Mu'assasat al-Mahmúdí (2 vols), 1978 

    S262al-Khatíb al-Tabrízí, Walí al-Dín Muhammad b. `Abd Alláh, Abú `Abd Alláh
    (d. 737 AH/1337 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Mishkát al-Masábíh 
    Damascus: al-Maktab al-islámí (3 vols), 1961-62 

    S259Al-Mizzí, Jamál al-Dín Yúsuf b. al-Zakí `Abd al-Rahmán b. Yúsuf, Abú al-Hajjáj al-Kalbí al-Qudá`í al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 742 AH/1341 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tuhfat al-ashráf bi-ma`rifat al-atráf 
    Bombay: Dár al-Qayyimah, 1389/1969 

    S260al-Dhahabí, Shams al-Dín Muhammad b. Ahmad b. `Uthmán, Abú `Abd Alláh
    (d. 748 AH/1347 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tadhkirat al-huffáz 
    Haydarabad: Dá'irat al-ma`árif al-nizámiyyah, 1333 AH 

    S264Ibn al-Wardí, Zayn al-Dín `Umar b. Muzaffar b. `Umar, al-Mu`arrí al-Halabí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 749 AH/1348 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tatimmah al-mukhtasar fí akhbár al-bashar 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S261Nizám al-Dín Hasan b. Muhammad b. al-Husayn al-Qummí al-Naysábúrí, known as al-Nizám al-'A`raj
    (d. 750 AH/1349 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ghará'ib al-Qur'án (Tafsír al-Naysábúrí) 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S265al-Zarandí, Jamál al-Dín Muhammad b. Yúsuf b. al-Hasan al-Madaní al-'Ansárí al-Hanafí
    (d. 750 AH/1349 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Nazm durar al-simtayn fí fadá'il al-Mustafá' wa al-Murtadá wa al-Batúl wa al-Sibtayn 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S265al-Zarandí, Jamál al-Dín Muhammad b. Yúsuf b. al-Hasan al-Madaní al-'Ansárí al-Hanafí
    (d. 750 AH/1349 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ma`árij al-wusúl 

    S266`Abd al-Rahmán b. Ahmad, al-'Ayjí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 756 AH/1355 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator

    S267al-Kázarúní, Sa`íd al-Dín Muhammad b. Mas`úd b. Muhammad
    (d. 758 AH/1357 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Muntaqá fí sírat al-Mustafá 

    S268al-Yáfi`í, `Abd Alláh b. As`ad b. `Alí, Abú al-Sa`ádát al-Sháfi`í al-Yamaní
    (d. 768 AH/1367 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Mir'át al-jinán wa `ibrat al-Yaqzán 
    Haydarabad: Matba`at Dá'irat al-Ma`árif al-Nizámiyyah, 1338/1920 

    S269Ibn Kathír, `Imád al-Dín Ismá`íl b. `Umar b. Kathír b. Daw', al-Qarashí al-Dimashqí
    (d. 774 AH/1373 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Bidáyah wa'l-Niháyah fí al-Ta'ríkh 
    Cairo: Matba`at al-Sa`ádah (14 vols), 1932- 

    S269Ibn Kathír, `Imád al-Dín Ismá`íl b. `Umar b. Kathír b. Daw', al-Qarashí al-Dimashqí
    (d. 774 AH/1373 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tafsír al-Qur'án al-`Azím 
    Beirut: Dár al-ma`rifah, n.d. 

    S271Ibn Jábir al-'Andalusí, Shams al-Dín Muhammad b. Ahmad b. `Alí, Abú `Abd Alláh al-Hawárí al-Málikí
    (d. 780 AH/1378 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Nafah al-tayyib 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S274Sa`d al-Dín Mas`úd b. `Umar b. `Abd Alláh, al-Harawí al-Taftázání al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 791 AH/1389 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh al-maqásid 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S275Núr al-Dín `Alí b. Abí Bakr b. Sulaymán, Abú al-Hasan al-Haythamí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 807 AH/1405 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Majma` al-Zawá`id wa-Manba` al-Fawá'id 
    Cairo: Maktabat al-Qudsí (10 vols), 1353 

    S276Ibn Khaldún, Walí al-Dín `Abd al-Rahmán b. Muhammad, al-Hadramí al-'Ashbílí al-Málikí
    (d. 808 AH/1406 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Unidentified edition,  

    S277al-Jurjání, al-Sharíf `Alí b. Muhammad b. `Alí, Abú al-Hasan al-Husayní al-Hanafí
    (d. 816 AH/1413 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh al-mawáqif 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S278Khwájah Pársá, Muhammad b. Mahmúd al-Háfizí al-Bukhárí al-Naqshbandí
    (d. 822 AH/1419 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Fasl al-khitáb 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S279Muhammad b. Khalífah, Abú `Abd Alláh, al-Washtání al-Málikí
    (d. 827 AH/1424 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh Sahíh Muslim ('Ikmál al-dín al-mu`allim) 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S280Ibn al-Jazarí, Shams al-Dín Muhammad b. Muhammad, Abú al-Khayr al-Jazarí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 833 AH/1430 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Asná al-Matálib fí manáqib `Alí b. Abí Tálib 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S281al-Maqrízí, Taqí al-Dín Ahmad b. `Alí b. `Abd al-Qádir, Abú al-`Abbás al-Husayní al-Hanafí
    (d. 845 AH/1441 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Mawá`iz wa al-'i`tibár bi dhikr al-khutat wa al-'áthár (al-Khitat) 
    Cairo, 1324 AH 

    S282Shiháb al-Dín Ahmad b. Shams al-Dín `Umar, Malik al-`Ulamá' al-Zawálí al-Dawlatábádí
    (d. 849 AH/1445 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Hidáyat al-su`adá' 

    S283Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalání, Shiháb al-Dín Ahmad b. Núr al-Dín `Alí, Abú al-Fadl al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 852 AH/1448 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tahdhíb al-Tahdhíb 
    Haydarabad: Dá'irat al-ma`árif al-nizámiyyah (12 vols), 1325-7 AH 

    S283Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalání, Shiháb al-Dín Ahmad b. Núr al-Dín `Alí, Abú al-Fadl al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 852 AH/1448 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Isábah fí tamyíz al-sahábah 
    Cairo (with Ibn `Abd al-Barr's al-Istí`áb on the margin), 1328/1939 

    S283Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalání, Shiháb al-Dín Ahmad b. Núr al-Dín `Alí, Abú al-Fadl al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 852 AH/1448 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Fath al-Bárí Sharh Sahíh al-Bukhárí 
    Beirut: Dár ihyá al-turáth al-`arabí, 1408/1988 

    S283Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalání, Shiháb al-Dín Ahmad b. Núr al-Dín `Alí, Abú al-Fadl al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 852 AH/1448 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Matálib al-`áliyah bi zawá'id al-masáníd al-thamániyah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S284Ibn al-Sabbágh, Núr al-Dín `Alí b. Muhammad b. Ahmad, al-Ghazzí al-Málikí
    (d. 855 AH/1451 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Fusúl al-muhimmah li ma`rifat al-a'immah 
    Beirut: Mu'assassat al-A`lamí, 1408/1988 

    S285al-`Ayní, Mahmúd b. Ahmad b. Músá b. Ahmad, Badr al-Dín Qádí al-Qudát al-Hanafí
    (d. 855 AH/1451 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    `Umdat al-Qárí Sharh Sahíh al-Bukhárí 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S286Ibn `Ijlún, Najm al-Dín Muhammad b. `Abd Alláh b. `Abd al-Rahmán, al-'Azra`í (al-Zar`í) al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 876 AH/1471 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Badí` al-ma`ání fí sharh `aqídat al-Shaybání 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S287`Alá al-Dín `Alí b. Muhammad al-Qawshají
    (d. 879 AH/1474 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh al-tajríd 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S289Al-Sanúsí, Muhammad b. Yúsuf b. `Umar b. Shu`ayb, Abú `Abd Alláh al-Talmasání al-Husayní
    (d. 895 AH/1490 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh Sahíh Muslim 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S292al-Suyútí, Jalál al-Dín `Abd al-Ráhmán b. Kamál al-Dín Abí Bakr, al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 911 AH/1505 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Táríkh al-Khulafá' 
    Beirut: Dár al-Ma`rifah, 1417/1996 

    S292al-Suyútí, Jalál al-Dín `Abd al-Ráhmán b. Kamál al-Dín Abí Bakr, al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 911 AH/1505 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Durr al-Manthúr 
    Tehran: Matba`at al-Islámiyyah (6 vols), 1377/1957 

    S292al-Suyútí, Jalál al-Dín `Abd al-Ráhmán b. Kamál al-Dín Abí Bakr, al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 911 AH/1505 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Jámi` al-saghír 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S292al-Suyútí, Jalál al-Dín `Abd al-Ráhmán b. Kamál al-Dín Abí Bakr, al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 911 AH/1505 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-'Azhár fí má `aqdahu al-shu`ará' min al-'ash`ár 

    S292al-Suyútí, Jalál al-Dín `Abd al-Ráhmán b. Kamál al-Dín Abí Bakr, al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 911 AH/1505 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-'Itqán fí `ulúm al-Qur'án 
    Beirut: Dár al-kutub al-`ilmiyyah, 1407/1987 

    S293al-Samhúdí, Núr al-Dín `Alí b. `Abd Alláh b. Ahmad, al-Hasaní al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 911 AH/1505 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Jawáhir al­`iqdayn fí fadl al-sharafayn sharaf al-`ilm al-jalí wa al-nasab al-`alí 
    Manuscript, ?? 

    S293al-Samhúdí, Núr al-Dín `Alí b. `Abd Alláh b. Ahmad, al-Hasaní al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 911 AH/1505 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Wafá' al-wafá' bi akhbár dár al-Mustafá' 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S294al-Qastallání, Shiháb al-Dín Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abú Bakr, Abú al-`Abbás al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 923 AH/1517 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Muwáhib al-ladunniyya bi al-minah al-Muhammadiyya 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S290Khawájah Mullá, Fadl Alláh b. Rúzbahán b. Fadl Alláh, Abú al-Khayr al-Khunjí al-Shírází al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 924 AH/1518 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ibtál al-bátil 

    S295`Abd al-Wahháb b. Muhammad b. Rafí` al-Dín, al-Husayní al-Bukhárí
    (d. 932 AH/1526 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tafsír Anwarí 

    S296Ibn al-Díba`, `Abd al-Rahmán b. `Alí, Abú Muhammad al-Shaybání al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 944 AH/1537 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Taysír al-wusúl ilá jámi` al-'usúl 
    Cairo: Matba`at Mustafá al-Bábí al-Halabí, n.d. 

    S291Kamál al-Dín Husayn b. Mu`ín al-Dín, al-Yazdí al-Maybadhí (or al-Maybudí)
    (d. 950 AH/1543 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh-i díwán al-mansúb ilá al-Imám `alayh al-salám (al-Fawátih) 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S303`Abd al-Rahmán b. `Abd al-Salám, al-Safúrí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 950 AH/1543 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Nuzhat al-majális 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S299al-Sharbíní, Shams al-Dín Muhammad b. Ahmad, al-Khatíb al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 968 AH/1561 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Siráj al-munír fí tafsír al-Qurán 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S297Ibn Hajar al-Haytamí, Shiháb al-Dín Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Alí, Abú al-`Abbás al-Sa`dí al-Makkí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 974 AH/1567 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Sawá'iq al-Muhriqa 
    Cairo: Maktabah al-Qáhirah, 1955 CE 

    S297Ibn Hajar al-Haytamí, Shiháb al-Dín Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Alí, Abú al-`Abbás al-Sa`dí al-Makkí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 974 AH/1567 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Minah al-Makkiyyah fí sharh al-qasídat al-hamziyyah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S298Núr al-Dín `Alí b. `Abd al-Malik Husám al-Dín al-Muttaqí al-Hindí
    (d. 975 AH/1568 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Kanz al-`ummál fí sunan al-aqwál wa'l af`ál 
    Halab: Maktabah al-turáth al-'Islámí (18 vols), 1969-84 CE 

    S300Diyá' al-Dín Ahmad b. Muhammad, Abú Muhammad al-Witrí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 980 AH/1572 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Rawdah al-názirín 
    Unidentified edition,  

    O244Abú Sa`úd al-`Imádí, Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Mustafá al-Hanafí
    (d. 982 AH/1574 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tafsír Irshád al-`aql al-salím 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S301Jamál al-Dín Muhammad Táhir al-Fitanní al-Gujrátí
    (d. 986 AH/1578 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Majma` bihár al-'anwár fí ghará'ib al-tanzíl wa latá'if al-'akhbár 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S304Jamál al-Dín `Atá' Alláh b. Fadl Alláh, al-Husayní al-Shírází
    (d. 1000 AH/1592 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-'Arba`ín fí fadá'il Amír al-Mu'minín 

    S305`Alí al-Qárí, `Alí b. al-Sultán Muhammad al-Harawí, al-Hanafí
    (d. 1014 AH/1605 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Mirqát al-Mafátíh fí sharh Mishkát al-Masábíh 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S306Ibn Sán (or Sinán), Ahmad Jalabí b. Yúsuf b. Ahmad, Abú al-`Abbás, al-Qarmání al-Dimashqí
    (d. 1019 AH/1610 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Akhbár al-duwal wa áthár al-'awwal 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S307al-Munáwí, Zayn al-Dín `Abd al-Ra'úf b. Táj al-`Árifín b. `Alí, al-Haddádí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 1031 AH/1622 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Fayd al-qadír fí sharh al-Jámi` al-saghír 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S307al-Munáwí, Zayn al-Dín `Abd al-Ra'úf b. Táj al-`Árifín b. `Alí, al-Haddádí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 1031 AH/1622 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Kunúz al-haqá'iq fí hadíth khayr al-khalá'iq (margin of al-Jámi` al-Saghír) 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S311Bá Kathír al-Makkí, Ahmad b. al-Fadl b. Muhammad, al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 1037 AH/1628 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Wasílat al-ma'ál fí `add manáqib al-'Ál 

    S308al-`Ídrús, Shaykh b. `Abd Alláh b. Shaykh b. `Abd Alláh, al-Husayní al-Yamaní
    (d. 1041 AH/1632 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-`Iqd al-nabawí wa al-sirr al-Mustafawí 

    S310Núr al-Dín b. Burhán al-Dín `Alí b. Ibráhím b. Ahmad b. `Alí, al-Halabí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 1044 AH/1634 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Insán al-`uyún fí sírat al-amín al-ma'mún (al-Sírah al-Halabiyya) 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S309al-Shaykhání al-Qádirí, Mahmúd b. Muhammad b. `Alí, al-Madaní
    (d. 1050 AH/1640 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sirát al-sawí fí manáqib Ál al-nabí 

    S312al-Husayn b. al-Imám al-Mansúr bi Alláh al-Qásim b. Muhammad b. `Alí, al-Yamaní
    (d. 1050 AH/1640 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Hidáyat al-`uqúl 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S316Muhammad Mahbúb al-`Álam b. Safí al-Dín Ja`far Badr al-`Álam
    (d. 1050 AH/1640 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tafsír al-Sháhí 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S314`Abd al-Haqq b. Sayf al-Dín, al-Shaykh al-Dihlawí
    (d. 1052 AH/1642 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Madárij al-nubuwwah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S314`Abd al-Haqq b. Sayf al-Dín, al-Shaykh al-Dihlawí
    (d. 1052 AH/1642 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Lama`át fí sharh al-Mishkát 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S313Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Umar, Shiháb al-Dín al-Khafájí al-Misrí al-Hanafí
    (d. 1069 AH/1659 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Nasím al-riyád fí sharh Shifá' al-Qádí `Iyád 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S317Muhammad b. `Abd al-Rasúl b. `Abd al-Sayyid b. `Abd al-Rasúl, al-Sháfi`í al-Barzanjí al-Husayní
    (d. 1103 AH/1692 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Nawáqid li al-rawáfid 

    S318Burhán al-Dín Ibráhím b. Mar`í b. `Atiyyah al-Shabarhaytí, al-Misrí al-Málikí
    (d. 1106 AH/1695 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Futúhát al-wahabiyyah bi sharh al-'arba`ín hadíthan li Nawawí 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S319al-Muqbilí, Sálih b. Mahdí b. `Alí b. `Abd Alláh, Diyá' al-Dín al-San`ání
    (d. 1108 AH/1697 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-'Ahádíth al-mutawátirah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    O314Al-Majlisí, Muhammad Báqir b. Muhammad Taqí
    (d. 1110 AH/1699 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Bihár al-anwár 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S320Ibn Hamzah al-Harrání, Ibráhím b. Muhammad b. Muhammad Kamál al-Dín al-Hanafí
    (d. 1120 AH/1708 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Al-Bayán wa'l-ta`ríf 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S321al-Zurqání, Muhammad b. `Abd al-Báqí b. Yúsuf, Abú `Abd Alláh al-'Azharí al-Zarqání al-Málikí
    (d. 1122 AH/1710 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh al-Muwáhib al-ladunniyyah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S323Mírzá Muhammad b. Mu`tamad Khán al-Hárithí al-Badakhshí (al-Badakhshání)
    (d. 1150 AH/1737 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Nuzul al-abrár bimá sahh min manáqib ahl al-bayt al-athár 
    Bombay, 1880 CE 

    S323Mírzá Muhammad b. Mu`tamad Khán al-Hárithí al-Badakhshí (al-Badakhshání)
    (d. 1150 AH/1737 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Miftáh al-najá fí manáqib Ál al-`abá 

    S324Muhammad Sadr al-`Álam
    (d. 1150 AH/1737 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ma`árij al-`ulá fí manáqib al-Murtadá 

    S325al-`Imádí, Hámid b. `Alí b. Ibráhím b. `Abd al-Rahím, al-Hanafí al-Dimashqí
    (d. 1171 AH/1758 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Salát al-fákhirah bi al-ahádíth al-mutawátirah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S326Sháh Walí Alláh b. `Abd al-Rahím al-Dihlawí
    (d. 1176 AH/1763 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Qurrat al-`aynayn 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S326Sháh Walí Alláh b. `Abd al-Rahím al-Dihlawí
    (d. 1176 AH/1763 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Izálat al-khifá' `an sírat al-Khulafá 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S327Muhammad b. Sálim b. Ahmad, Shams al-Dín al-Misrí al-Hafní al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 1181 AH/1767 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh `Azízí (háshiyah of Jámi` al-saghír) 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S328Muhammad b. Ismá`íl b. Saláh, al-'Amír al-Yamání al-San`ání al-Husayní
    (d. 1182 AH/1768 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Rawdát al-nadiyyah fí sharh al-Tuhfat al-`Alawiyyah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S329Shiháb al-Dín Ahmad b. `Abd al-Qadír b. Bakrí, al-`Ujaylí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 1182 AH/1768 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Dhakhírat al-ma'ál fí sharh `iqd jawáhir al-li'ál fí manáqib al-'Ál 

    S330al-Zubaydí, Muhibb al-Dín Muhammad Murtadá, Abú al-Fayd al-Wásití al-Hanafí al-Bilgirámí
    (d. 1205 AH/1791 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Táj al-'arús min jawáhir al-qámús 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S331Muhammad b. `Alí, Abú al-`Irfán al-Sabbán al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 1206 AH/1792 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Is`áf al-rághibín fí sírat al-mustafá wa fadá'il ahl baytihi al-tahirín 
    Cairo: Maktabah Mustafá al-Halabí, 1367/1948 

    S333Muhammad Mubín b. Muhibb Alláh al-Lakhnawí
    (d. 1220 AH/1805 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Wasílat al-naját fí manáqib al-sádát 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S332Rashíd al-Dín Khán al-Dehlawí
    (d. 1243 AH/1828 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Fath al-mubín fí fadá'il ahl al-bayt sayyid al-mursalín 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S337al-Shawkání, Muhammad b. `Alí b. Muhammad, al-San`ání
    (d. 1250 AH/1834 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Fath al-qadír 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S336Haydar `Alí, al-Mawlawí al-Fayd Ábádí
    (d. 1250 AH/1834 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Muntaha al-kalám 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S335Walí Alláh b. Habíb Alláh al-Lakhnawí
    (d. 1270 AH/1854 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Mir'át al-mu'minín fí manáqib ahl al-bayt sayyid al-mursalín 

    S338al-Álúsí al-Baghdádí, Mahmúd b. `Abd Alláh, Shiháb al-Dín Abú al-Thaná al-Husayní al-Álúsí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 1270 AH/1854 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Rúh al-Ma`ání 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S339Shaykh Muhammad b. Darwísh al-Hút al-Bayrútí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 1276 AH/1860 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Asná al-matálib fí ahádíth mukhtalifah al-marátib 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S340Khwájah Kalán, Sulaymán b. Ibráhím, al-Husayní al-Balkhí al-Qundúzí al-Hanafí
    (d. 1293 AH/1876 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Yanábí` al-mawaddah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S342Ahmad b. Zayní b. Ahmad Dahlán al-Makkí al-Sháfi`í
    (d. 1304 AH/1887 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Futúhát al-Islámiyyah 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S341Ahmad b. Mustafá al-Qádayn Khání
    (d. 1306 AH/1889 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Hidáyat al-martáb fí fadá'il al-'asháb 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S345Muhammad `Abduh b. Hasan Khayr Alláh al-Misrí
    (d. 1323 AH/1905 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tafsír al-Manár 
    Cairo, 1330 AH 

    S346`Abd al-Hamíd b. Mahmúd, al-Álúsí al-Baghdádí al-Sháfi`í al-Darír
    (d. 1324 AH/1906 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Nathr al-la'álí fí sharh nazm al-'amálí 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S344al-Shablanjí, Mu'min b. Hasan Mu'min
    (d. 1325 AH/1907 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Núr al-absár fí manáqib Ál al-bayt al-nabí al-mukhtár 
    Cairo: Maktabah Mustafá al-Bábí al-Halabí, 1367/1948 

    S348Bahlúl Behjat Afandí al-Sháfi`í, al-Qádí
    (d. 1350 AH/1931 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ta'ríkh Ál Muhammad 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S343Yúsuf b. Ismá`íl al-Nabhání al-Bayrútí
    (d. 1350 AH/1931 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    al-Sharf al-mu'abbad 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S350Ahmad Faríd Rafá`í, al-Daktúr
    (d. 1350 AH/1931 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ta`líq Mu`jam al-'udabá' 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S351Ahmad Zakí `Adwí al-Misrí
    (d. 1350 AH/1931 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ta`líq Kitáb al-'Aghání 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S354`Alí Jalál al-Dín al-Husayní al-Misrí
    (d. 1350 AH/1931 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Unidentified edition,  

    S355Muhammad Mahmúd al-Ráfi`í al-Misrí
    (d. 1350 AH/1931 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh Háshimiyyát 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S356Muhammad Shákir Khayyát al-Nabalusí al-'Azharí
    (d. 1350 AH/1931 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Sharh Háshimiyyát 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S360Ahmad b. Muhammad b. al-Siddíq, Shiháb al-Dín Abú al-Fayd
    (d. 1350 AH/1931 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Tashníf al-'ádhán 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S352Ahmad Nasím al-Misrí
    (d. 1356 AH/1937 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Ta`líqah Díwán Mihyár al-Daylamí 
    Unidentified edition,  

    S347Muhammad Habíb Alláh b. `Abd Alláh al-Yúsufí al-Madaní al-Shanqaytí
    (d. 1363 AH/1944 CE) 
    Strength/weakness as narratorChains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
    Kifáyat al-tálib li manáqib `Alí ibn Abí Tálib 
    Unidentified edition,