





Imam Mahdi



O God, if the best for me with Thee lies in delaying the taking to task for my sake of him who has wronged me and in refraining from vengeance toward him until the Day of Decision and the Gathering of Disputants, then bless Muhammad and his Household, strengthen me from Thee with true intention and lasting patience, give me refuge from evil desire and the impatience of the greedy, and form in my heart the image of Thy reward which Thou hast stored away for me and the repayment and punishment which Thou has prepared for my disputant! Make this a cause of my contentment with what Thou hast decreed and my trust in what Thou hast chosen! Amen, Lord of the worlds! Thou art of bounty abounding and Thou art powerful over everything. Imam Sajjad (as) Sahifa-e-Sajjadiyah

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Imam Ar-Reza’s Account of Imamate, Imam, and Position of the Imams

Abdul-Azeez bin Muslim related: We were accompanying Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) in Marw. Once, we were in the central mosque when people discussed the matter of imamate and referred to the great variance of people’s opinions in this regard. I then visited my master Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) to inform him of people’s discussion. He then smiled and said:

Ya Musa Raza a.s (click to view)
"O Abdul-Azeez, people are ignorant and unaware of their religion. Almighty God did not made His Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) die before He had perfected the religion for him. He revealed to him the Quran in which there is the explanation of everything and the manifestation of the halal, haram, doctrinal provisions, rulings, and everything tha people may need completely. God the Majestic says:

Nothing is left without a mention in the Book.1

During the Farewell Pilgrimage, which was the last days of the Prophet’s lifetime, God revealed to him:

On this day I have perfected your religion, completed My favors to you, and have chosen Islam as your religion.2

The imamate is a part of the perfection of the religion.
The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) did not depart this world before he had manifested to his umma the points of their religion, showed them the –right- courses that they should
1 The Holy Quran, Sura of Al-An’aam (6) Verse (38)
2 The Holy Quran, Sura of Al-Ma’ida (5) Verse (3)

take, situated them on the right path, and assigned Ali (peace be upon him) as the leader and Imam for them. As a matter of fact, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) did not leave anything without thorough manifestation. He whoever claims that God has not perfected His religion is denying the Book, and whoever denies the Book is converting to atheism.
Do they acknowledge the true standing of Imamate and its position in the umma, before they choose for themselves?
God gave Abraham the prophet (peace be upon him) imamate as a third rank after prophecy and intimacy and as a virtue by which He conferred honor upon him –Abraham- and praised him. God says:

When his Lord tested Abraham's faith, (by His words) and he satisfied the test, He said, "I am appointing you as the imam of mankind." Abraham asked, "Will this imamate also continue through my descendants?" The Lord replied, "The unjust do not have the right to exercise My authority."1

Abraham the prophet (peace be upon him) was highly delighted for gaining this rank; therefore, he hoped it would be passed to his descendants.
This Verse cancels the imamate of any unjust one until the Day of Resurrection, and dedicates it to the choice ones exclusively. Then God honors this imamate when He decides it to be in the offspring of the immaculate choice ones. He says:

Ya Shams al Shamoos (click to view)We granted him –Abraham- Isaac and Jacob as a gift and helped both of them to become righteous people. We appointed them as imams to guide the people through Our command and sent them revelation to strive for good deeds, worship their Lord, and pay religious tax. Both of them were Our worshiping servants.2
1 The Holy Quran, Sura of Al-Baqara (2) Verse (124)
2 The Holy Quran, Sura of Al-Anbiyaa (21) Verses (73-4)

The successive generations kept on receiving the imamate in inheritance in that order until it reached the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and his family).
In this regard, God says:

The nearest people to Abraham, among mankind, are those who followed him, this Prophet (Muhammad) and the true believers.1

In this manner, the imamate became exclusive for them.2 Then the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) gave it to Ali (peace be upon him) to be successive in his choice offspring upon whom God conferred knowledge and faith. This is indicated in God’s saying:

Those who have received knowledge and have faith will say, "By the decree of God, you have remained for the exact period which was mentioned in the Book of God about the Day of Resurrection. This is the Day of Resurrection, but you did not know."3

This Verse shows the decree of God regarding the question of imamate that will persist in the Prophet’s progeny until the Day of Resurrection, since there will be no prophet after the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and his family).
After all, how can those ignorant people choose for imamate out of their opinions?
Imamate is the rank of the prophets and the heritage of the prophets’ successors.
1 The Holy Quran, Sura of Aal Imran (3) Verse (68)
2 This very form is also recorded in ‘Uyounu Akhbarir Reza’ and An-Nu’mani’s ‘Al-Ghaiba’, but in ‘Al-Kafi’, it is recorded in this form:
In this manner, the imamate became exclusive for him –the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny)-. This form seems to be more suitable.
3 The Holy Quran, Sura of Ar-Roum (30) Verse (56)

Imamate is the representation of God the Majestic and His Messenger (peace be upon him and his family), the position of Amirul Muminin, and the succession1 of Al-Hasan and Al-Hussein (peace be upon them).
The Imam is the head of the religious affairs, the system of the Muslims, the goodness of the world, the stronghold of the believers.
The Imam is the rising principal and the noble branch of Islam.
The accomplishment of the prayers, zakat, fasting, hajj, jihad, the availability of spoils and alms, the execution of the doctrinal provisions and the rules, and the protections of the fronts and the borders—all these are achieved through the Imam.
The Imam legalizes whatever God deems legal, forbids whatever God deems illegal, executes the doctrinal provisions that God enacts, protects the religion of God, and calls to the path of God through wisdom, good advice, and strong evidence.
The Imam is as same as the shining sun whose light covers the whole world while it stands erect in the horizon and neither sights nor hands can catch it.
The Imam is the luminous full moon, the bright lamp, the rising light, the guiding star in tenebrous gloom, the guide to the right, and the savior from demise.
The Imam is the guiding fire on highlands, the heat to the seekers of warmth, and the rescuer from dangers. He whoever departs the Imam will surely perish.
The Imam is the raining clouds, the torrential downpour, the shady sky, the plain land, the abundant spring, the brook, and the garden.
1 In ‘Uyounu Akhbarir Reza’, ‘Al-Ghaiba’, and ‘Al-Kafi’, the word ‘inheritance’ is recorded instead of ‘succession’.

The Imam is the lenient custodian, the humane father, the full brother, the like of the sympathetic mother to her baby, and the shelter of the servants.
The Imam is the trustee of God on His land and creatures, the argument of God against the servants, the successor of God in His countries, the caller to God, and the protector of the sanctities of God.

Gunbad e Roza Imam Raza a.s

The Imam is purified from sins, freed from defects, given knowledge exclusively, characterized with forbearance, the system of the religion, the stronghold of the believers, the punishment of the hypocrites, and the perdition of the disbelievers.
The Imam is the unique in his time. No one can catch up with him and no scholar can amount to him. There is no substitute for him and there are no like or match to him. The whole virtue is dedicated to him without seeking or acquisition. It is only the choice of the Favorer Endower God.
How is it then possible for anybody to understand the reality and the quality of the Imam? How impossible this is! Minds are too astray, intellects are too lost, wits are too perplexed, the speakers are too mute, the poets are too unversed, the authors are too impotent, the eloquent are too wordless, and the scholars are too weak to describe a single feature or a single virtue of the Imam’s features and virtues. As a consequence, they confessed of their shortcoming and inadequacy to do so. How is it then possible to describe him as a whole or portray his manners? How it is possible to find anyone who can do his role or represent him? How is this possible while the Imam is as far as stars from the reach of the debaters and the describers? Do they think they can find imamate in anybody other than the Prophet’s family?
They are deceived by their opinions and they are indulging in the false hopes. They are surely climbing a rugged ascent and a slippery mount that will surely cause them to stumble to the rock bottom because they have intended to nominate an imam out of their opinions. How can they nominate an imam while the true Imam is permanently knowledgeable that ignorance never reaches him and a custodian that never betrays? He is the core of the prophecy whose lineage is too honorable to be criticized and no highborn individual can ever dare him. The Imam’s tribe is Koreish, his clan is Hashim, his root is the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family), the master of the celebrities, and he is the offspring of Abd Menaf.
Roza Imam Ali raza as (click to view)
The Imam is that whose knowledge is increasing and whose forbearance is perfect. He is cognizant of policy and worthy of leadership. The obedience to him is obligatory. He is the executor of God’s commandments and the adviser of God’s servants.
God leads the prophets and their successors (peace be upon them) to success and the right, and gives them (a part of His stored) knowledge and wisdom exclusively so that they become the most knowledgeable of people. God the Majestic says:

Is the one who guides to the Truth a proper guide or one who himself cannot find guidance unless he is guided (by others)? What is wrong with you that you judge (so unjustly)?1

Relating the story of Saul, God says:

God has chosen him as your ruler and has given him physical power and knowledge. God grants His authority to anyone whom He wants.2

About David the prophet (peace be upon him), God says:

David slew Goliath and God granted David the kingdom and wisdom and also taught him whatever He wanted.3

Addressing to the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and his family), God says:
1 The Holy Quran, Sura of Younus (10) Verse (35)
2 The Holy Quran, Sura of Al-Baqara (2) Verse (247)
3 The Holy Quran, Sura of Al-Baqara (2) Verse (251)

God has revealed the Book to you, has given you wisdom, and has taught you what you did not know. Certainly God's favor to you has been great.1

About the Imams of the Prophet’s family, progeny, and offspring, God says:

Are they jealous of the favors that God has done to some people (the Imams)? We have given to the family of Abraham the Book, Wisdom, and a great Kingdom. Some have believed, others have disbelieved and tried to prevent people from believing. For these people, only the intense fire of hell is a sufficient punishment.2

When God selects someone (the Imam) for managing the affairs of His servants, He grants him the inclination to do so, fills in his heart with springs of wisdom, and bestows upon him with fluency. Hence, he will have the ability to answer any question and will say nothing but the truth. The Imam is therefore granted success-fullness  right guidance, and advocacy and will be saved from error and flaw.
He is given such characteristics so that he will be an argument against the creatures and a witness on the servants (of God). Can they then ensure such characters for the one they choose as imam out of their opinions?
1 The Holy Quran, Sura of An-Nisa (4) Verse (113)
2 The Holy Quran, Sura of An-Nisa (4) Verse (54-5)

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