Allah (swt) in his book has bestowed great blessings, which have countless descriptions, and countless adjectives in beauty... There is one lesson which we should take from the imperishable know, that Knowledge, alone, is nothing but a sight to the helpless...
The saying is directed upon the fact that Knowledge isn't just there to be talked about, or talked with. You need to catch that knowledge, if preferable memorize it, know it, and understand it... But how does all this come about? You apply your brain's understanding upon that knowledge. It's quite simple, knowledge isn't power, it's power when you apply it upon something...

Such assumptions and hypotheses need deep consideration of reminding yourself constantly, that almighty lord sent us this book upon the Muslims for Hidayat, for blessing and nourishment! But before we explicitly drown into what this post concerns (Hussain's "Is there anyone to aid me?), Quran isn't even simple to be understood by the Alims... No! Quran, Quran! The book, the great book, has no great commentator other than Muhammed and his progeny!
Prophet Muhammed (saws) and his Sahabi (Companion) have claimed: No one can understand Ali! By Allah! No one! Only the Prophet and Allah, have such power, dignity and Knowledge to understand him!
And if we give another insight to another authentic Hadith: Ali is with the Quran, and the Quran is with Ali! Wherever Quran is, Ali is there, so why don't we see Ali in the verses with ease? Well Ali's name is called out all over the Quran, just need to look at them, understand them, the knowledge you all ready have, apply it upon Ali and Quran's characteristics, and you'll see, quite phenomenally the certainty in saying, every verse can be proved by my tongue, that Ali is its center point!
And that is exactly how I feel...
Though coming back to the point, Imam Al-Hussain (as) when in Karbala was battered, butchered and ruthlessly disturbed by the Yazidi followers. On the 10th of Muharram, Imam Hussain (as), at around mid-noon, took his youngest son, Al-Asghar, by the the permission from his wife in the midst of the battlefield. Allama Naqqan (ra) has written in Shaheed-e-Insaaniyat, that the reason why Karbala was so dreadful and horrendous was due to this act, and late Scholar Allama Mutahri also mentions out of his 21 reasons why this event was so breath-taking that should be noticed by everyone.
And then, Hussain cried out:
Is there anyone to come to my aid?
No one responded, Hussain looked upon the skies of Lord, no one came, no one moved, silent wind steadily grew in the background. It grew faster, Hussain had tears flowing from his eyes, and so from the Prophets watching from everywhere... And this is where I want you to be clever, and responsive. That's the end of my discussion, now lets analyse, how the below verse compares to Hussain's call of Is there anyone to aid me?
Surah Al-Qamr states:
۞ كَذَّبَتۡ قَبۡلَهُمۡ قَوۡمُ نُوحٍ۬ فَكَذَّبُواْ عَبۡدَنَا وَقَالُواْ مَجۡنُونٌ۬ وَٱزۡدُجِرَ (٩) فَدَعَا رَبَّهُ ۥۤ أَنِّى مَغۡلُوبٌ۬ فَٱنتَصِرۡ ()١٠
The folk of Noah denied before them, yea, they denied Our slave and said: A madman; and he was repulsed. (9) So he cried unto his Lord, saying: I am vanquished, so give help. (10)
The verse itself is a gem of study from God upon his servant, we examine, people of Noah denied him and the message of Tawhid (ultimately), and proclaimed; A Madman; and he (Noah) was repulsed.
Upon hearing what Noah's own Ummah says about him, he is repulsed, saddened. What was Hussain's position like in Karbala? Yes, Hussain did have people denying him, but were they of the Ummah of Hussain himself? No... In fact, let us relate an incident, when Hussain was in his childhood, a mere baby. The Prophet had him in his laps, and was kissing Hussain when Ayesha came. Narrators say Hussain and Prophet were on the floor beside the door, when Ayesha stopped and starred.
Ayesha proclaimed: You love this boy a lot don't you?
The Prophet (s) replied: Indeed I do, and why not, he's the fruit of my life!
Ayesha: How much do you love him?
The Prophet (s): I love him as much as love can be described, I love him, I love him, if anyone wants the example of love, they should see us two...
Then, the Prophet further spoke whilst looking at him: Do you know Ayesha, my Ummah! My Ummah will kill him, and he will be battered on the plains of Karbala!
Amazing, the Prophet (s) has all ready told us who will kill Hussain! It will be his Ummah, his own people, so indeed, applying some knowledge from there, we can say, that Ummah was of ultimately, and primordially, of the Prophet! So what next? That Ummah called Noah a Madman, and consequently was dejected, was Hussain called a Madman? Called something? Of course! Ulama-e-Haqq, including a great Mystic Scholar Allama Naqqan (ra), has stated: more than 200 Hafiz of Quran carried out a Fatawas, verdicts, against Hussain! That Hussain is Wajib-ul-Qatl - Compulsery to be killed. That's something an even bigger statement than a call: Madman, isn't it?
We are receiving a great amount of info here, that Hussain was in a much more difficult place than Noah, and was saddened much more. What else? Then Noah called out: I am vanquished, so give help.
Hussain never said "I'm vanquished", Hussain never said I give up, and call for Help, Noah did, Hussain never lost hope, Noah did, Hussain never fell down, Noah did, Hussain wasn't tired, Noah was, Noah is somewhat mentioned... Hussain is mentioned with even more grace!
Therefore from reading that, it clearly observes, that Hussain, the Prophet's love and heart, was at a much more harder stage, was challenged in a much more death defying situation, and was ultimately given a grander place of respect that Noah, and that's a factual statement!
"Everyone knows how to live, and then eventually die, Hussain taught us how to live after you die!"
-Raees Mustafa
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