





Imam Mahdi



O God, if the best for me with Thee lies in delaying the taking to task for my sake of him who has wronged me and in refraining from vengeance toward him until the Day of Decision and the Gathering of Disputants, then bless Muhammad and his Household, strengthen me from Thee with true intention and lasting patience, give me refuge from evil desire and the impatience of the greedy, and form in my heart the image of Thy reward which Thou hast stored away for me and the repayment and punishment which Thou has prepared for my disputant! Make this a cause of my contentment with what Thou hast decreed and my trust in what Thou hast chosen! Amen, Lord of the worlds! Thou art of bounty abounding and Thou art powerful over everything. Imam Sajjad (as) Sahifa-e-Sajjadiyah

Monday, 4 March 2013

Humans - Ayatullah Dastaghaib Shirazi

Human beings are made up of a physical body and a soul. Everyone has   
a visible existence and an invisible entity. Also, man is either righteous
or evil-minded. Whether righteous or evil, the character of man consists
of two aspects. One aspect of his character becomes visible through his
physical body.
For example a person prays, fasts, performs Hajj or gives charity. Or
he may be involved in sinful activities like drinking, gambling and fornication
All these types of deeds are performed and become apparent
through his physical body. Another aspect of human character is
connected with his inner dimensions and thoughts. For example, belief
(Iman), love, fear, hope, satisfaction or for example, disbelief, hypocrisy,
hatred and pride. All these aspects become apparent only when a person
wants to make them apparent.
Evil deeds that are related to physical body are also prohibited by
Almighty Allah. It is obligatory for every person to be aware of all such
evils and to refrain from them. In the same way evils of the heart are also
sinful and Allah Almighty has commanded us to shun them. We must be
cognizant of evils of thoughts and heart also. We must also refrain from
such deeds and try our best to keep our hearts free from such sins.

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