Medicine for the Believer - Imam Khomeini
ALI'S RANK IS AS SAME AS THE PROPHETS - Fadhail-Al-Shia of Shaikh Sudooq
My father (d) related to us from Abdullah bin al-Hussein al-Mueddib
from Ahmed bin Ali al-Isfahani from Mohammed bin Aslam at-Tusi
from Abu Rajaa from Hemmad bin Zaid from Abdirrahman as-Sarraj
from Nafii that Ibn Omar said:
When we asked him about Ali bin Abi
Talib, the Prophet (s) was angry and said:
Why do some people mention that one whose rank in the sight of Allah
is as same as mine? He who loves Ali loves me, and Allah will accept
him who loves me, and whomever Allah accepts will be rewarded
with Paradise.
Whoever loves Ali will not depart this world before he drinks from the
Divine River of Kawthar, eats from the Divine Tree of Tuba, and sees his
place in Paradise.
Whoever loves Ali will have his prayers, fasting, and worship accepted
and will have his supplications responded. Whoever loves Ali, the angels will seek Allah's forgiveness for him
and the eight portals of Paradise will all be opened before him so that he
can choose the one which takes him to Paradise with being maintained
to the Judgment.
Whoever loves Ali, Allah will give him his record (of deeds) in his right
hand and will call him to account in the same way as He calls His
prophets. Whoever loves Ali; Allah will alleviate for him the agonies of death and
will change his grave into a garden of Paradise.
Whoever loves Ali, Allah will give him in marriage women of Paradise
as many as the arteries of his body, will grant him the right to intercede
for eighty individuals from his family members, and will give him women
and cities of Paradise as many as the hairs of his body.
Whoever loves Ali, Allah will send the Angel of Death to him in the
same way as He sends him to the prophets, will save him from the horrible
interrogation of Munkar and Nakeer, will lighten his heart, will
whiten his face, and will join him with Hamza; the master of the
Whoever loves Ali, Allah will save him from the fire (of Hell.)
Whoever loves Ali, Allah will place wisdom in his heart firmly, will
make the truth slide on his tongue, and will open before him the doors to
His mercy.
Whoever loves Ali will be called 'the prisoner of Allah' in the heavens
and the earth.
Whoever loves Ali, an angel from beneath the Divine Throne will call
at him: O servant of Allah, make a new start, for Allah has forgiven all of
your sins.
Whoever loves Ali will attend on the Day of Resurrection with a face as
bright as the full moon.
Whoever loves Ali will be crowned and will be dressed the garment of
Whoever loves Ali will pass the Path like the swift lightning.
Whoever loves Ali will be granted an acquittance from Hell, a permit to
pass the Path, and a security against the punishment. Besides, no record
of judgment will be opened for him, no balance (for weighing his good
acts and evil acts for identifying which one is more) will be maintained
for him, and it will be said to him, 'Enter Paradise without judgment.'
Whoever loves Ali, the angels will shake hands with him, the prophets
will visit him, and Allah will settle all of his needs.
Whoever loves the family of Mohammed will be saved from the Judgment,
the Balance, and the Path.
Whoever dies on the love for the family of Mohammed, I guarantee for
him a place in Paradise with the prophets.
Whoever dies on the hatred for the family of Mohammed will never
smell the essence of Paradise.
((Abu Rajaa commented: Hemmad bin Zaid used to take pride in this,
for he considered it as the only hope.))
Refered to:
- Mietu Manqaba;
- Ibn Shathan 55 M.37 and 95, Taawil ul-Aayat;
- 824, Bisharat ul-Mustafa;
- 36-8, Keshf ul-Ghumma;
- 1:104, Irshad ul-Quloub;
- 225, A'lam ud-Din;
- 464, Nahj ul-Haqq;
- 260, Keshf ul-Yaqin;
- 227, Bihar ul-Anwar; 7:221 H.133, 39:277-8 H.55, and 68:126
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